Thursday 29 August 2013

Candle Making

“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
Criteria of CAS – Creativity
Approximate time - 8 hours
Venue – D Y Patil International School, Nagpur
Our target is to make 100 candles and then sell them to raise funds to help poor children.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Today I gave 2 hours in this activity, my aim is to make 4 candles each time. Today was the first day of candle making, I never thought of doing such a creative activity, but I always use to think that how a candle is made and how the manufacturers put a thread/wick into a candle. But today finally I got my answers.

Today I learnt how to make a candle.

1] Take two utensils or steel containers one big and other small and pour water in big one and put the candle wax in the small one, put the small one on big one and heat them.

2] By the time grease the mould.

3] Add colour in wax.

4] As the wax gets melted put a wick in it.

5] Take out that wick and stretch it and try to keep it straight.

6] After the wick gets dry put it into a mould.

7] Pour the wax into the mould.

8] After the candle gets solid take it out.

Today I understood that making candles is not game it takes a lot of patience and good steady hands. There is always a tension that the container will fall because it is made in double container as boiling there are chances of falling and your work getting waste. I made 4 candles today and I am very happy with that.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Today I gave 2 hours on this activity. As today was second time of candle making, I was prepared to make candles and use to that process of making. For today the target I made for myself was 5 candles. My supervisor Mrs. Deepshri Halve suggested me that I should make star mould candles as it looks very beautiful and everybody likes star shape. I started the process and thought that as this is my first time of making star candles I should make 1 trial candle. But soon I was in danger as I was out of wax, the wax I melted for making my first candle was not sufficient, I discussed this problem with my supervisor and she suggested me either I can present it that way or I should wait for the wax to dry up and add another colour so it will look a double coloured candle.

Today I accomplished my target by making 5 candles, which were looking very beautiful; it was a joyful experience making those pretty candles. Today I learned that there are many ways by which we can hide our mistakes, as I have tried one today I can tell that they are tension releasing things. These things taught me to keep claim and always look for solutions for problems.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Today I gave 2 hours in this activity. Last week I missed this activity because we had our Independence Day celebration. Today my aim was to make 5 candles I was well known to this process, I did my work punctuality and obedience thinking of people who will get money from selling this candles. These candles will bring brightness and happiness in their lives. Today I made candles of different colours and in diverse moulds.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Today was the last day of this activity. I gave 2 more hours to this activity which has taught me so much. This activity has been a great experience and fun. As I am doing this activity for weeks, today was the easiest day for making candles. Today we also gave final touch to the candles we have made and pasted price tags on them. Making designs on candles is a very difficult job because you have to be very artistic for that but sticking price tags was easy for me as I am an IB business and management student, so I have a skill of telling which candle is worth of how much money. I was very happy that I have completed this activity and hope that this is just the beginning of my CAS activities.

This activity was not just about making candles but of “helping”, doing a job that will benefit others is difficult but gives you satisfaction that any other thing will not give.

1 comment:

  1. Well organized activity, you have done it very well from beginning till the end.

    Ms. Vijayalaxmi Kanate
    CAS Coordinator, DYPIS
