Activity Started – 7 July 2014
End - 11 July 2014
Approximate Time - 8
Criteria of CAS – Services
First we planned the activity and
gave responsibilities to everyone. This activity was an issue of global importance,
as it was about environment concerns.
Day 1: Topic was
Environment and pollution. Responsibility of managing the assembly was given to
my classmate Shradha Wakode. She asked me say the prayer. I was happy with the
sweat little responsibility I was given. Praying is good thing which helps you
to maintain your calm just like meditating. Plus it enhance your mind power and
gives you strength because you know someone is always present to take care of
Day 2: Topic was Climate change and Natural disaster effecting our
environment. Responsibility of managing the assembly was given to me and my
friend Jaidev Pahade. I was very excited about this assembly as I had the
opportunity to show my mic skills. Plus I got the opportunity to explain my
schoolmates about climate change, a very interesting topic. Just like every
assembly we had prayer. Then my friend Kaustubh Murmare presented a thought by
Mahatma Gandhi. My classmate Himanshu acquainted us about the current affairs.
Then I and Jaidev started our showstopper our presentation my topic was Climate
change. I am well acquainted with the topic but I found out that many of the
students were not. There are two types in giving presentation first one is
explaining everything keeping it boring,
the other one is which I choose interacting with the audience, asking them
questions, using sense of humor. I asked them questions about specific topics
e.g. what is Climate Change? What is the cause of Climate change? What is Global Warming? What are the causes of Global warming? I
showed perseverance and commitment as I was responsible for
the day.
Day 3: Topic was How to control and minimize global warming and
other harmful factors. Responsibility of managing the assembly was given to
Himanshu Halve and Rucha Verma. My friend Himanshu asked me to present the
news. As
IB students I think we should be aware of current affairs. I felt like a news
reporter and I present myself as a news reporter too. It was a fun experience
telling the headlines. I myself love watching news, how they present it in
their studio and sometimes they chance to go to different places and cover the
event (it may be a natural disaster, election, social event and even a music
concert). This activity increased my awareness of the world
I live in and I also founded an area for growth.
Day 4: The event was
Tree plantation and we called it Green Day. Our CAS coordinator give all of us
different responsibilities. I was given the responsibility of plantation done
by grade 1 and 2 and our director G. C. Rao sir and DP coordinator Gopalraj
sir and to say a thought. Everybody gathered at the amphitheater with their saplings, ready to help
to the environment. As the starting part of the assembly I said the thought to make everybody's day a good one. I was very happy that I was able to help the environment on
my side, as CAS say think globally act locally. I also planted a lilium, there
was no limit to my happiness. I never thought I will get so much joy planting a
We all worked
collaboratively to make this activity a success.