Tuesday 22 July 2014


Criteria of CAS – Action & Service
Approximate time - 8 hours
Venue – D Y Patil International School, Nagpur
Dates: 17 - 22 July 2014

My interest in gardening was developed when I learned it last year. This year we planned the activity with our CAS coordinator and decided to do everything by our own within supervision of her.

Day 1: Today I pulled the weed out of the area where I will be working for the whole week.
Today I gave 2 hours in this activity.

Day 2: Today I and my classmates Jaidev and Kaustubh worked collaboratively prepared the saplings we are going plant. It was a very tiring task because we had put soil in the plastic bags then put sapling in it.
Today we gave 2 hours in this activity.

Day 3: Today we did the same work which we did yesterday. Today I gave 2 hours in this activity.

Day 4: Today we planted all the saplings we have been preparing from last 2 days. Today I gave 2 hours in this activity.

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