Wednesday 18 December 2013

Selling Greeting Cards

Date: 18 December 2013
Criteria of CAS – Service
Approximate time - 2 hours
Venue – D Y Patil International School, Nagpur

“Art is making something out of nothing and selling it.” - Frank Zappa

After making so many beautiful greeting cards, now it was time to sell them. This was a new challenge for me. The money we generated from this would be spend for a good cause. I and my classmate Tanmay Tembhurne sat with our art teacher and decided the price of every card.

We divided cards in to categories to decide the prices. After that we arranged the room with all cards with respect to their categories. Our art teacher Mrs. Deepshri Halve gave each one of us responsibility of one segment. I was given responsibility of most expensive cards in the range and plus I had to keep a record of every sale. I tried to show perseverance and commitment in this activity. I took this as an opportunity and tired my best. We did this activity for 2 days, 1 hour each day. By god’s help and our hard work we sold all cards in these two days.

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